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How to Maintain Your Hair Transplant Results Pasadena, CA
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Many men and women can experience hair loss at some point. A hair transplant can deliver long lasting and effective results to help you restore your self-confidence in your appearance. After your transplant, there are a few things you can do to maximize your healthy head of hair for long-term success. Here are three tips to help you maintain the results of your hair transplant.

Keep Your Hands Away from Your Scalp

After a hair transplant, you may experience itchy sensations in your scalp. Scratching or massaging your scalp may dislodge the grafts and lead to infection or other complications. Resist the temptation to peel the normal scabs that develop during the healing process. You may want to apply a cold compress to relieve any discomfort.

Shield Your Scalp from the Sun

Sun exposure after your hair transplant can damage your incisions and sensitive tissues on your scalp. You can shield your scalp by wearing a hat or a hooded sweatshirt when you go outdoors. Use protective headgear for at least four months to help maintain your results. Be careful to avoid sweating while your incisions heal.

Wash Your Hair with Warm Water

For the first few days, you will need to avoid shampooing your hair after your transplant. When you wash your hair, use the prescribed medicated shampoo from your doctor or baby shampoo and rinse with warm water. Hot water can damage your incisions and loosen delicate hair grafts. Pat your hair gently with a towel to dry. Keep away from swimming pools and hair dyes for the first few months to avoid chemicals that can negatively affect your results.

Is a Hair Transplant Right for You?

If you are struggling with hair loss, a hair transplant can be one of the best investments you can make for your appearance. Pasadena Hair Transplant provides innovative surgical and non-surgical hair restoration techniques to help you look and feel your best. These minimally invasive treatments help reduce scarring to help you achieve the long-lasting results you desire. To discover if you are an ideal candidate, call to book an appointment for a consultation today.

Posted on behalf of Pasadena Hair Transplant

10 Congress St., Suite #360
Pasadena, CA 91105

Phone: (626) 683-9080


Monday & Friday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

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